

Why Choose Off Grid

Time:[2017-3-24]     Views:1938

Stand-alone off grid systems are completely independent of the utility grid.With the exception of direct-use systems like water pumping or PV-powered ventilation,stand-alone RE systems must have batteries to provide energy storage during times of low input or high usage.


Independence is chief among the reasons for wanting an off grid system where the grid is available.Off grid systems are not subject to the terms or policies of the local utility,nor are system owners subjected to rate increases,blackouts or brownouts.


Unless you can afford an oversized system,off grid systems tend to force you to use electricity efficiently.This is a big advantage if you also hold environmental values.Some of the most energy-efficient homes in the country belong to off grid folks.When you have to make all your energy with only the available resources at your site,you think about how to use that energy wisely.


There are many less tangible advantages of being off grid as well,including the satisfaction and peace of mind that goes with using electricity responsibly.And maybe your neighbors will begin to think you are way ahead of your time.